California State Parks Site Map
- California State Parks
- (Sutter Buttes)
- 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- 2018 Director’s Awards Recognition Program
- Año Nuevo SP
- About Us
- Accessible Parks for All
- Ad Hoc Committees and Standing Committees
- Adamson House
- Admiral William Standley SRA
- Adventure Itineraries
- Adventure Pass
- Adventures in Learning
- Ahjumawi Lava Springs SP
- Albany State Marine Reserve
- Anderson Marsh SHP
- Andrew Molera SP
- Angel Island SP
- Angel Island State Park Junior Lifeguards
- Angeles District
- Annual Pass Purchase and Tax Deductible Contribution Program
- Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve SNR
- Antelope Valley Indian Museum SHP
- Anza-Borrego Desert SP ®
- Aquatic Safety in California State Parks
- Armstrong Redwoods SNR
- Arthur B. Ripley Desert Woodland SP
- Asilomar SB
- Auburn SRA
- Austin Creek SRA
- Azalea SNR
- Bale Grist Mill SHP
- Bay Area District
- Bean Hollow SB
- Benbow SRA
- Benicia Capitol SHP
- Benicia SRA
- Bethany Reservoir SRA
- Bidwell Mansion SHP
- Bidwell-Sacramento River SP
- Big Basin Redwoods SP
- Big Sur Station / Multi-Agency Facility
- Birds
- Bodie SHP
- Bolsa Chica SB
- Bolsa Chica SB Junior Lifeguards
- Bonds
- Border Field SP
- Bothe-Napa Valley SP
- Brannan Island SRA
- Burleigh H. Murray Ranch
- Burton Creek State Park
- Butano SP
- BVST-41 Media
- Calaveras Big Trees SP
- California Citrus SHP
- California Coastal Redwood Parks
- California History Plan: Telling The Stories Of Californians
- California Indian Heritage Center
- California State Capitol Museum
- California State Library Parks Pass
- California State Mining and Mineral Museum
- California State Park Adventures
- California State Park and Recreation Commission
- California State Parks Archives
- California State Parks Backpacking Adventures
- California State Parks GIS Data & Maps
- California State Parks Grant Opportunities
- California State Parks Listing
- California State Parks Safety Tips
- California State Railroad Museum
- Cambria SMP
- Candidate Status Check
- Candlestick Point SRA
- Candlestick Point Summer Day Camp
- Cannabis Watershed Protection Program
- Capital District
- Capital District State Museums and Historic Parks, Sacramento
- Cardiff SB
- Career Resources
- Carlsbad SB
- Carlsbad State Junior Lifeguards
- Carmel River SB
- Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area General Plan Update
- Carnegie SVRA
- Carpinteria State Beach
- Caspar Headlands SB
- Caspar Headlands SNR
- Castaic Lake SRA
- Castle Crags SP
- Castle Rock SP
- Caswell Memorial SP
- Cayucos SB
- Celebrate with California State Parks
- Central Valley District
- CEQA Notices
- Channel Coast District
- Channel Coast District - Volunteers
- Children in Nature
- China Camp SP
- Chino Hills SP
- Chumash Painted Cave SHP
- Civilian Conservation Corps in California State Parks
- Clear Lake SP
- Colonel Allensworth SHP
- Colorado Desert District
- Columbia SHP
- Colusa-Sacramento River SRA
- Condor Live Stream
- Contact Us
- Cool Parks
- Cornerstone Documents
- Corona Del Mar SB
- Crystal Cove
- Crystal Cove Junior Lifeguards
Cultural Resources Division
- Archaeological Resources
- Cultural California
- SCA 2005 SYMPOSIUM: Knowing the Best of the Past: Archaeological Studies in California's State Parks
- The Built Environment
- Cuyamaca Rancho SP
- D. L. Bliss SP
- Del Norte Coast Redwoods SP
- Delta Meadows
- Diablo Range District
- Director's Recognition Awards Program
- Dockweiler SB
- Doheny Junior Lifeguards
- Doheny SB
- Donner Memorial State Park
- Dos Rios
- E-Bikes in CA State Parks
- Ed Z'berg Sugar Pine Point SP
- El Capitán State Beach
- El Presidio de Santa Barbara SHP
- Emerald Bay SP
- Emeryville Crescent State Marine Reserve
- Emma Wood State Beach
- Empire Mine SHP
- Estero Bluffs
- Fall Colors
- FAQs
- Film Production
- Filming in State Parks
- Flowers
- Folsom Lake SRA
- Folsom Lake SRA Junior Lifeguards
- Folsom Powerhouse SHP
- Forms
- Fort Humboldt SHP
- Fort Ord Dunes SP
- Fort Ross SHP
- Fort Tejon SHP
- Franks Tract SRA
- Fremont Peak SP
- Garrapata SP
- Gaviota State Park
General Plans and Management Plans
- Plans and Actions In Progress
- Civilian Conservation Corps Heritage Adventures
- Plans and Actions In Progress
- Geocaching in State Parks
- George J. Hatfield SRA
- Gold Rush Overview
- Governor's Mansion SHP
Grants and Local Services
- Parks and Water Bond Act of 2018 (Proposition 68)
- Gray Whale Cove SB
- Great Basin District
- Great Valley Grasslands SP
- Greenwood SB
- Grizzly Creek Redwoods SP
- Grover Hot Springs SP
- Half Moon Bay Junior Lifeguards
- Half Moon Bay SB
- Harmony Headlands SP
- Harry A. Merlo SRA
- Hatton Canyon
- Hearst San Simeon SHM
- Hearst San Simeon SP
- Hendy Woods SP
- Henry Cowell Redwoods SP
- Henry W. Coe SP
- Hollister Hills SVRA
- Humboldt Lagoons SP
- Humboldt Redwoods SP
- Hungry Valley SVRA
- Huntington SB
- Huntington State Beach Junior Lifeguards
- Indian Grinding Rock SHP
- Indio Hills Palms
- Inland Empire District
- Ishxenta SP
- Jack London SHP
- Jedediah Smith Redwoods SP
- Jobs
- John B. Dewitt Redwoods SNR
- John Little SNR
- Jug Handle SNR
- Julia Pfeiffer Burns SP
- K-9 Program
- Kenneth Hahn SRA
- Kings Beach SRA
- Kruse Rhododendron SNR
- La Purisima Mission State Historic Park
- Lake Del Valle SRA
- Lake Oroville SRA
- Lake Perris Jr. Lifeguards 2024
- Lake Perris SRA
- Lake Valley SRA
- Leland Stanford Mansion SHP
- Leo Carrillo SP
- Leucadia SB
- Lifeguard Training Photo Galleries
- Lighthouse Field SB
- Limekiln SP
- Little River SB
- Locke Boarding House Museum
- Los Angeles SHP
- Los Banos Creek Reservoir
- Los Encinos SHP
- Los Osos Oaks SNR
- MacKerricher SP
- Mailliard Redwoods SNR
- Malakoff Diggins SHP
- Malibu Creek SP
- Malibu Lagoon SB
- Manchester SP
- Mandalay SB
- Manresa SB
- Marbled Murrelet
- Marconi Conference Center SHP
- Marina SB
- Marsh Creek State Park (SHP)
- Marshall Gold Discovery SHP
- Martial Cottle Park SRA
- McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial SP
- McConnell SRA
- McGrath SB
- McLaughlin Eastshore State Park
- Mendocino Coast Junior Lifeguards
- Mendocino Headlands SP
- Mendocino Woodlands SP
- Millerton Lake SRA
- Mono Lake Tufa SNR
- Montaña de Oro
- Montara SB
- Monterey District
- Monterey SB
- Monterey SHP
- Montgomery Woods SNR
- Moonlight SB
- Morro Bay SP
- Morro Strand SB
- Moss Landing SB
- Mount Diablo SP
- Mount San Jacinto SP
- Mount Tamalpais State Park
- Natural Bridges SB
- Natural Resources
- Navarro River Redwoods SP
- New Brighton SB
- Newsroom
- North Coast Junior Lifeguard
- North Coast Redwoods District
- Northern Buttes District
- Oceano Dunes District
- Ocotillo Wells SVRA
- Office of Community Involvement
- Old Sacramento SHP
- Old Town San Diego SHP
- Olompali SHP
- Organizational Structure Opportunities
- Pío Pico SHP
- Pacheco SP
- Pacifica SB
- Page Not Found
- Palomar Mountain SP
- Park Management
- Park Pledge
- Path Forward Strategic Plan
- Pelican SB
- Pescadero SB
- Petaluma Adobe SHP
- Pfeiffer Big Sur SP
- Photographic Archives
- Picacho SRA
- Pigeon Point Light Station SHP
- Pismo SB
- Placerita Canyon SP
- Plumas-Eureka SP
- Point Cabrillo Light Station SHP
- Point Dume SB
- Point Lobos SNR
- Point Lobos Summer Adventures
- Point Mugu SP
- Point Sal SB
- Point Sur SHP
- Pomponio SB
- Portola Redwoods SP
- Prairie City SVRA
- Prairie Creek Redwoods SP
- Proposed Rulemaking Notices
- Proposition Allocation Reports
- Proud Partners and Financial Support Programs
- Providence Mountains SRA
- Publications
- Railtown 1897 SHP
- Railyard Project
- Rancho San Andrés Castro Adobe
- Red Rock Canyon SP
- Refugio Junior Lifeguards
- Refugio State Beach
- Reservations and Fees
- Revenue Generation Program
- Reynolds
- Richardson Grove SP
- Rio de Los Angeles State Park
- Roads and Trails Program
- Robert H. Meyer Memorial SB
- Robert Louis Stevenson SP
- Robert W. Crown Memorial SB
- Russian Gulch SP
- Saddleback Butte SP
- Salinas River SB
- Salt Point SP
- Salton Sea SRA
- Samuel P. Taylor SP
- San Bruno Mountain SP
- San Buenaventura SB
- San Clemente Junior Lifeguards
- San Clemente SB
- San Diego Coast District
- San Elijo SB
- San Gregorio SB
- San Juan Bautista SHP
- San Luis Obispo Coast District
- San Luis Obispo Coast District
- San Luis Reservoir Junior Lifeguards
- San Luis Reservoir SRA
- San Onofre SB
- San Onofre SB Lease
- San Pasqual Battlefield SHP
- San Timoteo Canyon
- Santa Cruz Mission SHP
- Santa Cruz State Junior Lifeguards
- Santa Monica SB
- Santa Susana Pass SHP
- Schooner Gulch SB
- Seacliff SB
- Shasta SHP
- Silver Strand Junior Lifeguards
- Silver Strand SB
- Silverwood Lake SRA
- Sinkyone Wilderness SP
- Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
- Smithe Redwoods SNR
- Sonoma Coast Junior Lifeguard
- Sonoma Coast State Park
- Sonoma SHP
- South Carlsbad SB
- South Yuba River SP
- Standish-Hickey SRA
- State Indian Museum
Statewide Museum
Collections Center
- Artifact Type Collections
- Stone Lake
- Strategic Planning and Recreation Services Division
- Sue-meg SP
- Sugarloaf Ridge SP
- Sunset SB
- Sutter's Fort SHP
- Tahoe SRA
- Take A Hike
- Terry Veiga : Demo Page
- The Bowtie - Rio de Los Angeles State Park
- The Forest of Nisene Marks SP
- Thornton
- Tijuana Estuary NP
- Tolowa Dunes SP
- Tomales Bay SP
- Tomo-Kahni SHP
- Topanga SP
- Torrey Pines SB
- Torrey Pines SNR
- Torrey Pines State Junior Lifeguards
- Training Section
- Travel Ideas
- Trinidad SB
- Trione-Annadel SP
- Tule Elk SNR
- Turlock Lake SRA
- Twin Lakes SB
- Van Damme SP
- Ventura Junior Lifeguards
- Verdugo Mountains
- Volunteers in Parks
- Ward Creek
- Washoe Meadows SP
- Wassama Round House SHP
- Watts Towers of Simon Rodia SHP
- Weaverville Joss House SHP
- Welcome to the Orange Coast District
- Westport-Union Landing SB
- What3words
- Wilder Ranch SP
- Wildwood Canyon
- Will Rogers SB
- Will Rogers SHP
- William B. Ide Adobe SHP
- William Penn Mott Jr. Training Center
- Woodland Opera House SHP
- Woodson Bridge SRA
- Zmudowski SB