Volunteer With Us. Volunteers performing their duties in the park


Long Term Volunteer Opportunities

Our Mission: To provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation.

Volunteers are vital to the operation of all our programs. From helping teach kids to assisting with daily maintenance responsibilities, we simply could not do it without them!

What will I do as a volunteer?

  • Education Volunteers assist our staff with running our interactive education field trip programs for schools Monday through Friday. They will also help with digital content creation in off season.
  • Public Program Volunteers assist our staff with running Discovery Center public hours and special events Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
  • Volunteer Grounds Assistants assist with maintaining the public day use areas including the Discovery Trail and the Rolling M. Ranch Native Plant Trail along with seasonal planting opportunities in our Native Plant Nursery when projects become available.
  • Trail Ambassadors hike the trails and interact with visitors in an official capacity. They will also submit regular reports on trail conditions and visitor interactions after each shift.

What are some of the benefits of volunteering?

  • Training conducted by experienced staff
  • Activities and social events just for volunteers
  • Working side by side with a fantastic team of staff and volunteers
  • Annual volunteer parking passes based on number of hours logged

o   75 hours for an Inland Empire District pass
o   200 hours for a statewide pass 

How do I apply to join the volunteer team?
We encourage applications from all persons representing many diverse backgrounds.
Please visit our facebook page for current volunteer orientation dates.



Contact Us Today:

Shelly Imler
Chino Hills State Park Discovery Center
(714) 524-2471


Short Term Volunteer Events

California State Parks Foundation also holds regular volunteer events at different parks throughout California including Chino Hills State Park. These events range from brush and trail clearing to invasive species removal to trash cleanups.

For more information on California State Parks Foundation's Park Champions Program you can visit there website here: https://volunteer.calparks.org/