California State Parks GIS Data & Maps

Open and Public GIS Data
California State Parks generates eight GIS datasets intended for free distribution and personal or public use. These datasets include: Park Boundaries, Routes, Buildings, Structures, Day Use Areas, Camping Areas, Parking Areas, and Park Entry Points.Please review the data license before downloading and using our data.
Park System Web Map
This interactive web map is provided by the Enterprise GIS Program of California State Parks, and is intended for planning and general reference. It displays California State Parks' Public Data including: Park Boundaries, Routes, Buildings, Structures, Day Use Areas, Camping Areas, Parking Areas, and Park Entry Points.
(WebMap App)
Planning Milestones Map
Updated annually, this large format map shows all units of the California State Parks System as well as the department’s district boundaries, state highways, and county boundaries. Each park boundary is listed and labeled, showing unit name and identifying subunits (Wildernesses and Preserves).
(PDF-format map)