OYC banner

Date Location
April 29 - May 1 Castaic Lake SRA
(So. Calif.)
May 20 - 22 Henry Cowell SP
(Central Calif.)
August 26 - 28 TBD
September 9 - 11 Castaic Lake SRA
(So. Calif.)


2025 OYC training banner
Date Location
April 15 - 17 Castaic Lake SRA
(So. Calif.)
June 17 - 19 San Luis Reservoir
(Central Calif.)
June 27 - 29 San Luis Reservoir
(Central Calif.)
July 8 - 10 Castaic Lake SRA
July 22 -24 Henry Cowell SP
(Central Calif.)


Contact our office for additional information on how to register your organization.


Take a Hike - City Walks

Take a Hike - City Walks was established by State Parks in 2005 as a program to encourage individuals in the greater Sacramento Area to walk as a means of getting healthy. Over the years the program has been adopted by other departments who also encourage their employees to participate. The program is not a state sanctioned activity. Participation has been voluntary since its inception in 2005.

January 24th

Delta King Riverboat via DOCO

1.8 miles

February 21st

Subtile by Federico Diaz

2.4 miles

March 20th

Towe Auto Museum and Riverfront

2.7 miles

April 24th

Coffee and Brew

2.1 miles

May 22nd

The Mansions

2.4 miles

June 19th  

Victorian Homes

1.7 miles

July 17th

CA State Capitol Museum

1.1 miles

August 21st

Southside Park

2.2 miles

September 18th

Old Sacramento State Historic Park

2.2 miles

October 16th

Spooky House

1.9 miles

November 20th

Crocker Art Museum

1.7 miles

December 18th

Explore Midtown

2.2 miles

For additional information or to add your name to receive additional information,
contact Chinh Nguyen at (916) 201-0821 or via email Chinh.Nguyen@parks.ca.gov