Basic Training & The Mott Training Center
California State Parks is proud of its reputation for training excellence, and is looked upon as a leader in park management, interpretation, maintenance, and law enforcement training. Each program combines a variety of instructional methods designed to accomplish individual learning. Small group assignments, field projects, demonstrations, and other "active learning" means are used to involve learners in meeting individual training needs.
The William Penn Mott Jr. Training Center now offers a variety of training programs on a regular basis to both California State Parks' employees and those from other agencies. Located on the scenic Monterey Peninsula in Pacific Grove, the Training Center consists of modern classrooms, audio-visual rooms, a conference room, a library, and offices. Surrounded by the picturesque Monterey pine forest next to Asilomar State Beach, the facilities provide an ideal learning environment.
Three lodges, each with living room and fireplace, accommodate 60 persons on a shared-room basis.
Basic Peace Officer Training
The purpose of this program is to develop skills required for protection of people, resources, and facilities in the State Park System. This program is certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training as meeting the "Basic Course" training requirements for peace officers.
The core content is provided in the areas of professional orientation, community relations, law, evidence, communications, vehicle operations, force and weaponry, defensive tactics and arrest control procedures, traffic, patrol procedures, criminal investigations, custody, and physical fitness. Special attention is given to the unique attitudes and responsibilities required of State Park peace officers. Instructors are drawn from within the Department and other agencies utilizing subject matter experts. Program Length: 800 hours
- POST-Reimbursable, Plan II.
- Department Participants: Job-required training for State Park Cadets and State Park Lifeguard Cadets.
- Non-Department Participants: Personnel seeking or required to have necessary training to qualify for peace officer status.