Publications in Cultural Heritage: Investigations at CA-NEV-13H Locus F and G at Donner Memorial State Park
The Cultural Resources Division of the California Department of Parks and Recreation presents Publications in Cultural Heritage, No. 28, titled Archaeological Investigations at CA-NEV-13H Locus F and G, Donner Memorial State Park. This volume is part of the recent renewal of the longstanding series featuring cultural resources related projects conducted within California State Parks. This report documents an archaeological investigation within a large and complex prehistoric deposit at Donner Memorial State Park. The results of this investigation indicate that Donner Lake was occupied some 7,700 years ago and also because of its unique geographical position served as a hub for an east-west prehistoric obsidian trade network.
A PDF copy of this report is now available, below. For more information about State Parks archaeological publications or to request a hard copy of the report, please email or call 916-263-1632.
2011 Publications in Cultural Heritage, No. 28
Rock Art at Donner Memorial State Park