Messages from Leaders
Message from Lisa Mangat, Director
I want to thank the public, stakeholders, and various constituency groups for their investment of time and genuine engagement with us here at the California Department of Parks and Recreation. Your participation had a direct impact on the outcomes of our transformation efforts and assisted us in determining where to focus them so that we may better serve the public. We look forward to continuing in this close partnership with you and hope that you continue to engage with us as we move forward. I hope that you are as proud of your department and its programs as we are to serve you.
We are excited to share with you the final edition of the Transformation Progress Report. This report reflects a sustained and impressive level of commitment from the Transformation Team, committees, subcommittees, work groups, staff, partners, stakeholders, Administration and Legislature to make long-transformative, system-wide change at the California Department of Parks and Recreation. The department will continue working with its partners to protect and preserve the state’s iconic natural, cultural and historic resources, provide access to all Californians, engage younger generations, and promote the healthy lifestyles and communities that are uniquely Californian.