A first person view of the San Francisco Solano mission chapel in the videogame Minecraft


Are you ready for an exciting virtual journey through time? We're thrilled to announce the launch of our San Francisco Solano Mission Minecraft Public Server. Our server is a meticulously crafted replica of the San Francisco Solano mission, complete with its iconic building, courtyard, exhibits, and a one of a kind painting collection.

How to Join

You'll need to download the free CurseForge app. Once you've got it, search for our Sonoma Historic Parks modpack. The server is active 24/7.

To join:
1. Launch the game from the modpack
2. Click multiplayer
3. Click Direct Connection
4. Enter the IP Address:

Get in Touch

For any inquiries or to express your interest, don't hesitate to reach out
to us at SonomaMissionMinecraft@gmail.com or call at 707-938-9560.

We can't wait to share this educational adventure with you!

California State Parks supports equal access. Visitors with disabilities who need
extra assistance should contact Sonoma State Historic Park at
(707) 938-9547. 711, TTY relay service