Andy Vasquez
Andy Vasquez has been a State worker since July 1992. Prior to 1992 he was a member of the United States Navy where he served for 10 years. His education is in Accounting and has held positions as a Tax Auditor, Accountant, and for the past nine and one-half years he has worked as an Administrative Officer for DPR. He has participated in various Statewide DPR development and implementation programs such as: Fiscal Tracking Systems (FTS), Labor Information Database (LID), Parks Forward Initiative Group, Management Practices Instructor, DPR Recreation and Reservation Sales Services Team member, Deployment of credit card terminals Statewide, Electronic Report of Collections (eROC), and more.
Andy loves DPR because collectively DPR staff (Permanent, seasonal, volunteers, and many others) affect, in a positive way, the wellness of people and nature. Outside of work he enjoys people, yoga, meditation, camping, and healthy eating.
Andy accepted the invitation to join the Transformation Team because it is a worthwhile adventure into a better managed DPR. This opportunity is perhaps the most important project of his life - to adopt better and more efficient ways that will transform DPR into a well-managed and run organization.