Ellen Clark
Ellen Clark has been camping in state and national parks throughout California her entire life. Consequently, she developed a deep connection with the natural and cultural world. While working in the Bay Area, (in the private sector), she started her California State Parks career in 1986 as a docent in the Santa Cruz Mountains District. After having volunteered for seven years and 4000 hours, she was hired as an interpretive Guide, working at Monterey State Historic Park and later Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park. She promoted to the Northern Buttes District, overseeing the education/interpretation program for 14 state parks in northeastern California. After 10 years, she promoted to the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division in Sacramento, creating and overseeing their statewide interpretation and education program. After four-and-a-half years, Ellen moved to the Interpretation and Education Division where she facilitated the commemoration of California State Park’s 150th anniversary. In that role, Ellen developed anniversary tools for the field and made numerous presentations to outside organizations about California State Park’s history. She promoted to her current position of Statewide Volunteers in Parks Program Coordinator in June 2014. She is very enthusiastic about working on the Transformation Team for positive change.