Mount San Jacinto State Park: Long Valley Management Plan
UPDATE February 2012: The Long Valley Management Plan, Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), and Notice of Determination are now final and available for download from this website. Please refer to the “Related Pages” link “Long Valley Management Plan Documents” on this webpage for links to the final documents.
The public comment period for which California State Parks accepted comments on the Draft Plan and IS/MND began November 14, 2011 and concluded December 16, 2011, per CEQA Section 15073. All comments and questions received during this period were reviewed and responded to before the final document was published.
California State parks appreciates your comments in shaping the Long Valley Management Plan and your interest in Mount San Jacinto State Park.
Comments and/or questions regarding the Long Valley Management or the IS/MND should be addressed to:
Bob Patterson, Project Lead
California State Parks
Southern Service Center
8885 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 270
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 220-5307
Project Background
California State Parks Inland Empire District and Southern Service Center have completed work on a management plan for the Long Valley area of Mount San Jacinto State Park. This management plan was called for in the 2002 approved Mount San Jacinto State Park General Plan. As specified in the general plan, " . . . following the collection of additional data a Long Valley Management Plan [will] be developed that provides for visitor access while at the same time protecting wilderness values. This plan will include specific management actions and improvements, as well as measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate significant environmental effects."
Two public workshops (one in Palm Springs and one in Idyllwild) were held in April 2009 to gather input on park issues and opportunities affecting public use of Long Valley. Due to a mandatory freeze on all projects funded by State bonds, the Long Valley Management Plan was put on hold in Fall of 2009. The Management Plan resumed in Fall 2010 as the freeze on bond funds was lifted. A second public meeting to gather additional input on the Long Valley Management Plan was held May 11, 2011.
Planning Timeline
In Winter/Spring 2011, California State Parks staff prepared concept plans for proposed public facilities and uses within Long Valley that are consistent with the General Plan and resource management directives. An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was also prepared and was available for public review in Fall 2011. A public meeting to present and receive feedback on the concept plans occurred May 11, 2011. After revisions were made to the concept plans based on public and stakeholder input, the Draft Management Plan and (IS/MND) was completed and available for pubic comment in Fall 2011. The Final Long Valley Management Plan and MND was completed in Winter 2012.
Opportunities for Public Input
First Series of Public Workshops
The first workshop sessions introduced the planning process, and gathered public input on park issues and opportunities to address in the plans. Two separate workshop sessions were held--the first in Palm Springs on April 24, 2009. and the second in Idyllwild on April 25, 2009.
Public Meeting
A public meeting was held Wednesday, May 11, 2011, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway - Valley Station - in the Cascade Cafe. Thank you to all who attended. At the meeting State Park staff introduced the Management Plan proposals and took questions and comments.
Please see "Related Pages" on this webpage for links to more information. Additional ideas and comments can be given by contacting Bob Patterson at