Californian’s love their coast and ocean — nine out of ten will visit the beach at least once this year. When they arrive at the beach, they are finding a lot more than sand and surf. During a recent summer, Orange County collected enough garbage from six miles of beach to fill ten garbage trucks full of trash every week, at a cost to taxpayers of $350,000. Other California counties spend even more. This garbage debris can harm or kill marine life. Pollution also makes using the beach less enjoyable and safe for humans. Solving our water pollution problems requires everyone’s involvement.

San Clemente
State Beach is proud to be involved with the California Adopt-A-Beach program coordinated by the California Coastal Commission. When a group "adopts" a beach, they commit to cleaning it at least three times per year, although school groups can fulfill their obligation with a single cleanup. Groups are encouraged to re-adopt at the end of the year.
For more information please visit the California Coastal Commission’s website or email the Adopt-A-Beach Manager