Bay Area District Prescribed Fire
Bay Area District Prescribed Fire Program
The lands encompassed within the Bay Area District of California State Parks include a diverse variety of unique ecosystems, many of which have evolved with and been shaped by fire over millennia. California State Parks has employed prescribed fire as a tool to help steward a number of parks across the State Park System since the 1970s. State Parks first began conducting prescribed burns in Bay Area District park units in the early 1980s, with prescribed pile and broadcast burning having taken place in a number of parks intermittently since then. State Park staff from across the Bay Area District work closely with CAL FIRE, the Marin County Fire Department and a variety of partners to make sure all prescribed fire work is conducted safely in a manner that furthers State Parks mission to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources.
For information, please see these Frequently Asked Questions or feel free to contact the Bay Area District Office (707) 769-5652 or email A phone number and email for public information contact(s) will be provided on signage and in press releases and website updates for any given prescribed fire.