Urban Park Act of 2001
The intent of the Urban Park Act of 2001 is to provide grants for the acquisition and development of parks, recreation areas, and facilities in neighborhoods currently least served by park and recreation providers. These neighborhoods are often the same areas that suffer most from high unemployment and destructive or unlawful conduct by youth. The Urban Park Act program encourages community participation in, and responsibility for, new urban parks, new recreational or multipurpose facilities. These facilities will provide safe recreational opportunities for children, positive outlets for youth, special recreational and social needs of senior citizens, and other urban population groups.
All funds have been awarded.
Amount Awarded: $131,123,829
Urban Park Act 2001 Grant Program Funded Projects
Application Statistics: 210 applications requesting $416,422,051
Urban Parks Act of 2001 Procedural Guide PDF / DOC
Proposition 40 Competitive Grant Programs Overview (May 19, 2016)
Grant Allocations Tool (Interactive Maps)