Notice of Preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report for Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan
The California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR) is the Lead Agency under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and will be preparing a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan (proposed project). Pursuant to CEQA Section 21080.4(a) and Section 15082 of the State CEQA Guidelines, responsible and trustee agencies and members of the public are asked to provide written comments regarding the scope and content of the PEIR. CDPR requests you provide written input on behalf of your organization or as a member of the public as to the scope of the and content of the environmental information that will be addressed in the draft PEIR. The project is located in the City of San Diego in San Diego County, CA. An initial study was not prepared for the proposed project.
Project Description
The project would enhance Los Peñasquitos Lagoon through reconfiguration of the channel network in the lagoon to provide better freshwater management and enhanced tidal exchange/influence. Channel improvements would provide features in areas where salt marsh is expected to develop over time in response to sea level rise. The project would also identify vector management opportunities, such as structural improvements to reduce stagnant water within storm drain systems, channel modifications to improve tidal circulation, and channel creation to connect areas of inundation to reduce residence time. The project also proposes improvements/enhancements to existing trails, identification of trails that are anticipated to become inundated with sea level rise, and opportunities to create linkages to regional trail networks and public transit centers.
Scoping Meeting
One public scoping meeting will be held on January 6, 2018 from 10:00am to 12:00pm at Sumner Auditorium located on the campus of Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) located at 8625 Kennel Way, La Jolla CA 92037. Please note that parking on the campus on SIO is limited to faculty and students only with strict parking enforcement. Free parking for the public can be found along La Jolla Shores Drive. Public input will be taken at the meeting.
Public Comments
Public input can be submitted in writing to CDPR at the contact information provided below either through email or standard mail. Time limits mandated by State law require that comments be submitted within 30 days of the date of this notice. CDPR is extending the comment period to account for additional time possibly needed due to holidays in December and January. As such, comments must be received no later than January 22, 2018.
Lead Agency Contact Information
Questions and comments regarding the scoping process or preparation of the PEIR may be directed to:
Cindy Krimmel, Environmental Planner
San Diego Coast District
California Department of Parks and Recreation
4477 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA 92110
Phone (619) 688-3260
Project Information
Project information can be found online at the following websites:
In addition, copies of the PEIR and related documents can be reviewed at CDPR’s San Diego Coast District Office located at:
4477 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA 92110
Phone (619) 688-3260
Please include your name and contact information or the name of a contact person in your organization or agency, if appropriate. Please reference Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan in the subject line of your correspondence.
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