Castle Rock State Park
Approved Castle Rock General Plan.pdf [193 pages)
This document represents the Final General Plan and Environmental Impact Report approved by the State Park and Recreation Commission on March 8, 2000, which includes the text revisions reflected in Addendum #2, dated March 1, 2000. Included at the end of this document (Appendix H) is a copy of the General Plan Amendment and Supplement EIR for Walk-in Campsites at Partridge Farm approved by the Commission on October 25, 2000. Also included is a copy of a Settlement Agreement (Appendix I) executed in July 2003 that further guides appropriate site planning and development. General Plan maps are available below.
Castle Rock General Plan/EIR CEQA Response to Comments.pdf [177 pages]
This document represents the Final EIR/Response to Comments on the Castle Rock SP Preliminary General Plan that was approved by the State Park and Recreation Commission on March 8, 2000.
General Plan Amendment for Walk-in Campsites at Partridge Farm.pdf [109 pages]
This document represents the Final General Plan Amendment and Supplement EIR for Walk-in Campsites at Partridge Farm approved by the State Park and Recreation Commission on October 25, 2000. Included at the end of this document are the CEQA notices and Response to Comments.
General Plan Maps:
CR_GP MAP No. 1 Plant Communities
CR_GP MAP No. 2 Wildlife Habitat Types and Sensitive Animal Species
CR_GP MAP No. 3 Ecological Units
CR_GP MAP No. 4 Cultural Resources
CR_GP MAP No. 5 Resource Management Zones
CR_GP MAP No. 6 Proposed Natural Preserve
CR_GP MAP No. 7 Existing Conditions
CR_GP MAP No. 8 Land Use and Facility Guidelines
NEWSLETTERSThe following newsletters outline the planning process in preparation of this general plan, and describe the planning issues and alternatives that were considered for future management of the resources and development of park facilities.
January 2000 Newsletter [502-kb - 9 pages]
February 1999 Newsletter [682-kb - 6 pages]
April 1998 Newsletter [664-kb - 8 pages]
[602-kb - 1 page] Note: This is the map on page 3 of the April 98 newsletter.
December 30, 1997 Newsletter [227-kb -59 pages]
June 1997 Newsletter [141-kb - 4 pages]
September 1996 Newsletter [149-kb - 2 pages]