Habitat Conservation Fund (HCF)
The Habitat Conservation Fund allocates approximately $2 million each year to seven unique categories. Eligible projects include: nature interpretation programs to bring urban residents into park and wildlife areas, protection of various plant and animal species, and acquisition and development of wildlife corridors and trails.
Next Anticipated Application Due Date: 2026/27
- The Habitat Conservation Fund Application Guide is currently being revised. If you are interested in participating in a focus group on the draft guidelines, please email Philip.Clements@parks.ca.gov
- A public comment period will be open for the revised application guide in Spring 2025. If you would like to receive information on the revised application guide public comment period, and a 2026/27 call for applications and workshops, sign up for updates from OGALS.
Amount Available: TBD
Maximum Grant Request: No minimum or maximum
Match Requirement: Dollar for dollar
HCF Program Technical Assistance Video
There are seven sub-program categories, each is further explained in the HCF Category Chart and Application Guides below.
HCF Application Guides
- Deer/Mountain Lion Habitat: PDF / DOC
- Rare, Endangered, Threatened or Fully Protected Species Habitat: PDF / DOC
- Wetlands: PDF / DOC
- Anadromous Salmonids and Trout Habitat: PDF / DOC
- Riparian Habitat: PDF / DOC
- Trails: PDF / DOC
Fillable HCF Application Forms:
- Authorizing Resolution Form
- Cost Estimate Match Form
- CEQA Compliance Certification Form
- Acquisition Schedule Form
- Corps Consultation Form
All Payment Forms Combined , includes these individual forms:
Provide a sample timesheet if seeking reimbursement for in-house employee services.
Project Completion Certification Form (Final payment only)
Funding Sources Form (Final payment only, if sources/amounts change from original submission)
Press Release - 2024
Press Release - 2023
Press Release - 2019
HCF Program Funded Projects (Fiscal Years 1990/1991 through 2022/2023)