August 22, 2022 Update:   Grant Award List is Announced.  Click here to view the grant list.

$235.8 million was requested for the available $23.1 million.  


Video Tour of the Online Application System


The Regional Park Program will create, expand, or improve regional parks and regional park facilities.  This program is funded by 2018 Parks and Water Bond Act (Proposition 68) which is found in Public Resources Code §80065(a). 

Eligible Applicants

  • Counties
  • Regional Park Districts and Regional Open-Space Districts formed pursuant to Division 5, Chapter 3, Article 3 (commencing with Section 5500) of the Public Resources Code
  • Open-Space Authorities formed pursuant to Public Resources Code Division 26 (commencing with Section 35100)
  • Joint Powers Authorities where at least one of the members is otherwise eligible on this list
  • Nonprofit organizations qualified to do business in California and qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code

Eligible Projects

  • Acquisition for new or enhanced public access and use
  • Development to create or renovate:
    • Trails, with preference given to multiuse trails over single-use trails
    • Regional sports complexes
    • Visitor and interpretive facilities
    • Other types of recreation and support facilities in regional parks

Total Amount Available for Competitive Grants

Regional Park Program Application Guide ThumbnailApplication Guide  

Use this guide to plan the Regional Park Program application.  The Competitive Review Team is committed to give technical assistance.  Contact information is below.

Administration Guide:

Grant Administration Guide_Competitive Grant Programs September 2020  

Administration Guide (September 2020)

The Administration Guide will be used for grant projects that are selected for funding when grant awards are announced.  It includes a sample grant agreement, the payment process, and accounting/record keeping requirements.

 Technical Assistance Documents 

Fillable Application Forms (including Outline for Project Selection Criteria Response)

Application Workshops Webinar Recordings

Technical Assistance Contacts

For technical assistance, applicants are encouraged to send questions to the “Competitive Grant Application/Pre-Award” Project Officer based on the county where the project is located.  Please use this link:  List of Competitive Application Project Officers by County