Visit the reserve! Soak up as much information and inspiration as you can. There’s no fee here, but if you plan to come to other units of the California state park system frequently, buy a parks pass—an excellent way to save money and support state parks.
To volunteer your time to assist visitors at Kruse Rhododendron Reserve or other Mendocino area state parks, call the Russian River Sector Office at (707) 865-2391 or write to Mendocino State Parks, PO Box 123, Duncans Mills, CA 95430. To volunteer in another California state park, call 916-653-9069 or email the state’s
Support nonprofit groups working on behalf of this park, including Fort Ross Conservancy and Save the Redwoods League. On the League’s website, you can learn about other ways to get involved in redwoods protection—including taking a pledge, entering a photo contest, or becoming a citizen scientist.