Revenue Generation Program
California State Parks manages a system of 280 parks covering more than 1.5 million acres of land throughout California. These parks represent the state’s most magnificent and treasured natural resources, cultural resources and historic sites. They include some of the most popular and scenic beaches in California, Off-Highway Vehicle recreation areas, marinas, and trail systems. More than 60 million people visit California State Parks every year.
The State Park System has faced many challenges over the past several years, including budget cuts, threats of park closures, and service reductions. In 2012, the Legislature passed laws that require California State Parks to develop a Revenue Generation Program to improve its financial situation. Senate Bill 1018, the trailer bill for the FY 2012-13 budget year, requires California State Parks to develop a revenue generation program. Assembly Bill 1478 (Blumenfield) created the State Parks Enterprise Fund and required the Department to establish a revolving loan program to improve infrastructure and provide services that generate revenue. Projects and services funded by the Revenue Generation Program are to be consistent with the mission and values of State Parks. Read Project Guidelines and Criteria
The Revenue Generation Program will employ sound business practices and financial incentives to reward performance. The program will also improve facilities in parks to meet the expected increase in future demand for recreation and improve the visitor experience.
The program consists of three main components:
• Funding for projects and programs that generate revenue
• Annual revenue targets for each park district
• Incentives for park districts to exceed revenue targets
Key elements that combine to make up the Revenue Generation Program are displayed below.