
Donner Memorial State Park is located in the Sierra Nevada mountain range at an elevation of about 6,000 feet.

Interpreter led field trips take students and participants on an experiential journey to discover the Donner Party of 1846, the California Emigrant experience, Washoe Native American culture, and diverse ecosystems.

Field trips and group tours typically take place on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10am–1:30pm. We accommodate groups of up to 60 students/participants. Tour curriculum is appropriate for 4th grade and older students. There are no fees for field trips to Donner Memorial State Park.


Register for a School Field Trip or Group Reservation

Please use this Donner School Program Registration Portal and contact bill.bowness@parks.ca.gov and nick.potter@parks.ca.gov with any questions.






Donner Field Trip Itinerary

No need for rotations if fewer than 30 students

1000-1015 Meet Park staff at Visitor Center (introductions, snacks, bathrooms)

1015-1130 Rotation #1: Donner History Video (26-minutes). Free exploration in museum (optional scavenger hunt in museum if teacher elects to print scavenger hunt documents before arrival). - Rotation #2: Park staff will lead a guided hike to learn about the natural and cultural history of the area.

1130 Lunch

1200 Rotation #2: Donner History Video (26-minutes). Free exploration in museum (optional scavenger hunt in museum if teacher elects to print scavenger hunt documents before arrival). - Rotation #1: Park staff will lead a guided hike to learn about the natural and cultural history of the area.

1315 Wrap-up, bathrooms, and depart

*Scavenger Hunt: Please print copies of this Scavenger Hunt (self-guided) for DMSP Exhibits if you plan to facilitate this activity with your students.

*Donner History Video: The 26-minute long video screens in the main theater :15 after every hour (e.g. 11:15am, 12:15am, etc.)

How to Prepare for your field trip?
Before arriving in the park, if you have more than 30 students, please organize your students into 2 separate groups with a minimum ratio of 1:10 (adult:child). We accept up to 60 students for a field trip. Tour curriculum is appropriate for 4th grade and older students. 

Review these optional Resources for Teachers about the park and Historical References.
Scavenger Hunt for Donner Memorial SP Visitor Center - self guided
Park Interpretive Content and Historic References - Donner Docent website
Donner Self-Guided Nature Loop Brochure (.5MB)
Donner Summit Historical Society

What to expect on arrival?
Restrooms located inside of our visitor center. For directions, click here. Weather-permitting, students will walk a ½ mile nature loop (wheelchair accessible), break for lunch, explore the visitor center exhibits. If you have more than 30 students, there will be two rotations (see schedule).

What about parking?
There is no fee associated with parking for registered school groups at Donner Memorial State Park. Your free parking permit(s) will be emailed to you a week before your trip in a reminder email and must be printed and displayed in the dash of the vehicle. For immediate questions or concerns regarding your in-person field trip, please contact jeremy.lin@parks.ca.gov.

What do I bring?
Weather in the Sierra Nevada’s may fluctuate. Make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes, bring sun protection and an extra warm layer. Please bring water bottles and snacks/lunch. Drinking water, bathrooms, and public Wifi is available at the Visitor Center.

Chaperones are responsible for guiding participant behavior and keeping the group together and focused on the program. We ask that chaperones play an active role in managing student behavior during the course of the field trip. If teachers or chaperones need to take a phone call, please step away so that we can keep the children's attention.

Please bring a first aid kit for your group.
Extreme weather may cancel field trips if transportation to/from the park is unsafe.

Questions? Please email jeremy.lin@parks.ca.gov, nick.potter@parks.ca.gov, and bill.bowness@parks.ca.gov.

PORTS Virtual Programs

PORTS (Parks Online Resources for Teachers and Students) Program is a FREE distance learning program with California State Parks!

PORTS uses the power of videoconferencing to support K-12 educators in designing deep and meaningful learning experiences in virtual and in-person classrooms.

“Travelers of the Sierra Nevada Mountains”: Join a Donner Memorial State Park Interpreter sharing stories of the diversity of people that came through the Donner Lake area in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (near lake Tahoe, California). Listen to accounts of the first people that called the Sierra Nevada Mountains “home”, The Washoe, to the immigrants that dared to cross the treacherous Sierra crest. Some of the covered wagon settlers were successful and became heroes (Stephens-Townsend- Murphy Company) while others struggled and became trapped by a big winter snow (The Donner Party). This program is designed for 4th - 8th grade audiences. 


PORTS On Demand - Schedule an interactive virtual presentation with your class or group with a California State Parks Interpreter to learn about the Donner Party of 1846.



Educational Resources

Scavenger Hunt for Donner Memorial SP Visitor Center - self guided

Park Interpretive Content and Historic References - Donner Docent website

Donner Self-Guided Nature Loop Brochure (.5MB)

Donner Summit Historical Society