Gold Panning Regulations

South Yuba River SP allows gold panning using the “hands and pans” method.  

Please abide by the following regulations when collecting minerals: Panning for gold is considered to be “rockhounding” as the term is applied in the Department. Rockhounding is the recreational gathering of stones and minerals found occurring naturally on the undisturbed surface of the land, including panning for gold in the natural water-washed gravel beds of streams (T-14 CCR 4301(v)). The gold pan is the only exception permitted to the exclusion of tools from rockhounding in a unit (T-14 CCR 4611 (i)) 

Tools and equipment may not be used in rockhounding, except gold pans. Rocks or minerals gathered may not be sold or used commercially for the production of profit. One person may gather no more than 15 pounds of mineral material per day. Historic and prehistoric or archeological specimens may not be gathered. In state recreation areas rockhounding is limited to beaches which lie within the jurisdiction of the Department and within the wave action zone on lakes, bays, reservoirs, or on the ocean, and to the beaches or gravel bars which are subject to annual flooding on streams. Rockhounding is limited to within the wave action zones of lakes and streams. Muddy water from panning must not be visible more than 20 feet from the panning operation (T-14 CCR 4307, 4308, & 4611). 

If you have any questions, please call the office for more information.