Program Goals Summary and Update
Goals and Action Guidelines Update
The Plan’s twelve Goals and Action Guidelines, shown below, assist trail managers in developing a trails management process and system consistent with statewide goals. Research and public input received through two public meetings and a workshop at the 2008 California Trails and Greenways Conference identified both encouraging progress and areas where the Plan’s twelve Goals and their associated Action Guidelines need more attention. This year, California State Parks will hold public forums to reassess the Plan’s twelve Goals to reflect the current needs for trail management. Follow the link provided to submit your ideas, opinions, or suggestions.
California Recreational Trails Plan Feedback
Click on a goal below to see status update:
FUNDING: Develop adequate and stable funding for planning, acquisition, development and management of trails.
TRAILS INVENTORY: Prepare regional and statewide inventories of existing, planned, and potential trails.
REGIONAL AND STATEWIDE LAND-USE PLANNING: Promote and encourage the incorporation of trails and greenways development and linkages into all local and statewide land use planning.
TRAIL ADVOCACY & COLLABORATION: Develop and encourage expanded cooperation and collaboration among trail advocates, wildlife advocates, and cultural resource advocates to maximize resource protection, education, and trail use opportunities.
TRAIL RESEARCH: Promote research that documents trail usage, environmental impacts and trail-based recreational trends and identifies future issues and needs.
STATEWIDE TRAIL STEWARDSHIP: Promote adequate design, construction, relocation, and maintenance of trails in order to optimize public access and resource conservation.
ENCOURAGING PUBLIC USE OF TRAILS: Encourage public use of, and support for, trails programs throughout California.
TRAIL ACCESSIBILITY: Provide trail users with easily accessible trails and accurate information on trail locations and conditions.
MULTI-USE TRAIL COOPERATION: Provide the maximum opportunities for the public use of trails by encouraging the appropriate expansion of multi-use trails.
PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS: Work to identify and resolve conflicts between property owners and trail users and advocates.
TRAILS PROGRAM LEADERSHIP: The Department’s Statewide Trails Office will continue its guidance and leadership roles in promoting the advancement of trails and trails programs throughout California.
CALIFORNIA RIDING AND HIKING TRAIL (CRHT): Evaluate the status of previously secured easements for the CRHT and evaluate the feasibility for continuance of the trail’s expansion.