Stone Lagoon Visitor Center is a cozy place to relax and learn about Humboldt Lagoons State Park. It’s just west of Highway 101 at mile marker 115.3. It’s open daily from about 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The Humboldt Lagoons State Park brochure contains valuable information about the park’s cultural and natural history, as well as travel tips.

More information is available on the websites of the Redwood Parks Association, Coastwalk (which offers multi-day guided hikes through Humboldt Lagoons and other coastal parks in California), and Save the Redwoods League.

To go deeper, check out these books and articles:

Explore the North Coast's Sea Kayaking on the Redwood Coast has chapters on kayaking in Big, Stone, and Freshwater lagoons, as well as other North Coast locations.

Lorentzen, Bob and Richard Nichols, Hiking the California Coastal Trail, Volume One: Oregon to Monterey, Coastwalk, 2002.

Walters, Heidi, “By the Breach: Creatures thrive in the shifting world of Stone Lagoon,” North Coast Journal, February 14, 2013.