For more information on programs, please check the visitor center board upon arrival at the park and follow us on  Facebook and Instagram

Enjoy the beauty and grandeur of the park while learning about why this place is so special!

Snowshoe hike through the North GroveComing in the fall-spring? Guided hikes through the North Grove are offered Saturdays at 11:30 a.m year-round. This 1.5 to 2 hour hike is free with your paid admission to the park. Grab some water and meet at the North Grove trailhead by the Visitor Center. Please use the restrooms at the trailhead as there are none on the trail. In the event we have enough snow in the park, this will be a snowshoe hike. Some snowshoes are available for use on a first come, first served basis. Snowshoes are available for rent in the town of Arnold located three miles west on Highway 4.

Guests are greeted at the park pop-up for a summer program

Want to be a Junior Ranger? Self-guided booklets are available year-round in our museum. Finish the booklet and get a badge!  

Can't visit but want a park experience? We're starting a new program at the Arnold and Murphys' Branch Libraries! Join interpretive staff one Wednesday a month, November-March, 2:15-3:15 for programs designed for elementary school kids.

Arnold Branch: Every 2nd Wednesday
Murphys Branch: Every 3rd Wednesday


We participate in local events and have some spring activities before the summer. Check out our Special Events below for what's happening! 

Summer Park Programs

Guided Hikes are offered throughout the summer season. Days and trails vary. 

Junior Cubs and Junior Rangers programs are offered in the summer season. Junior Rangers offers fun, educational programs for children ages 7 - 12 years old. The Junior Cub program focuses on engaging and fun educational activities for children ages 3 - 6 years old. Days and topics vary. 

Campfire Programs are typically offered mid June through mid August, Friday - Monday each week. Programs begin just before sunset. 

Astronomy Nights are led by knowledgeable California State Park volunteer docents who share their passion for the night skyDates vary. 

Puppet show at the Big Trees Campfire CenterPop-up Park Programs like scavenger hunts and crafts may occur throughout the summer season. 

For program dates and times, please check park announcement boards or ask at the Visitor Center upon arrival. For more information about programs at the park, please call the visitor center at (209) 795-3840 or follow us on Facebook. The Calaveras Big Trees Association (CBTA) supports all educational programs in the park. Their event calendar includes all California State Park events and programs.

Visit CBTA's website for information about how you can help support their efforts.