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Mott Training Center is Over Forty Years Old!

September 2013 marked the 40th Anniversary of the William Penn Mott Jr. Training Center (MTC).

The Mott Training Center celebrated the 20th Anniversary in 1993 with a program entitled The Best of California Forever. Broc Stenman reflected (an excerpt from the full article):

In mid-September 1973, Department Director William Penn Mott, Jr., welcomed Ranger Trainee Group J and K as the first groups to attend training in the Department's new training center at Asilomar. Among the first classes was State Park History and Philosophy conducted by District Superintendent James Whitehead. He made a lasting impact on the young rangers talking of our new responsibilities in "standing on the shoulders of giants". The only reason for a public servant is to serve the public and each of us is the State Park System.

As a Department, we have been extremely fortunate to have visionary leadership, at all levels, to see ourselves as a "learning organization". How did this come about? In the late 1960's Director Mott and Department Training Officer James Kruger set in motion a series of events that forever would shape the way CSP manages departmental training. Foremost among these was the creation of the Center for Continuous Learning as the training center was called from 1973 to 1976. For the first time in any State, a central facility was built specifically to meet the basic and continuing training requirement of state park employees.

The Mott Training Center embraces the critical role that instructors and participants have played in the training process. Our Department has placed the participants in the center of the process and the result has been that employees highly value, benefit from, and enjoy training. Similarly, California State Parks has and will continue to place a high regard on developing training expertise within the organization.

The 20th Anniversary Booklet is available for viewing.

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