2025 Tryouts

New particpants are first time Junior Lifeguards and past participants who did not complete the 2024 Summer Junior Lifeguard Program.

All "new participants" must complete a tryout swim test prior to registering for the junior lifeguard program. If a new partipant registers prior to completion of the tryout swim, their registration may be voided and subject to a $50 cancellation fee.

2025 Tryout Dates

Crystal Cove Tryout #1: Saturday, April 5th @ Costa Mesa High School Pool

Crystal Cove Tryout #2: Saturday, April 19th @ Costa Mesa High School Pool

Arrive between 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Guard Aid Tryout (Volunteer 13+): Sunday, March 30th @ Crystal Cove Lifeguard Headquarters Building

Arrive at 8:45 am sharp

No registration required for tryouts. Dates subject to change.

NEW! 2025 Tryout Requirements

C Group (7-8 years): 100 yards under 2:30, tread water for 5 minutes, swim underwater for 10 yards

B Group (9-10 years): 100 yards under 2:20, tread water for 5 minutes, swim underwater for 10 yards

A Group (11+ years): 100 yards under 2:10, tread water for 5 minutes, swim underwater for 10 yards

Guard Aid (Volunteer 13+): Competative 500 yard open water swim. 150 yard beach run, 250 yard open water swim, 150 yard beach run. Oral Interview.

What to Bring

  • Parent / Guardian must accompany particpant to sign waivers
  • Swim suit, swim cap, & goggles (baggy swimwear & long loose hair increases drag, making test harder)
  • Towel & warm change of clothes
  • Swim fins are NOT permitted at tryout
  • Westsuit (Guard Aid tryout ONLY)


Contact Us

Program Administrator: 

R. Christopher Egan (robert.egan@parks.ca.gov)

(714) 292-6381

Program Coordinator:

Brendan H. Gibson (brendan.gibson@parks.ca.gov)

(949) 444-1027