First Half Schedule
Training Requests are due by August, 15, 2006.
Cultural Resource Interpretation - Group 5
September 10-15, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michael D. Green
Syllabus: CRI6.pdf
Firearms Inspector Refresher - Group 3
September 10-16, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center Annex
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Syllabus: FINR3.pdf
Continuing Advanced Officer - Group 15 Cancelled
September 11-15, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Connie Breakfield
Firearms Instructor Training - Group 16 (In Three Sessions) (Group Number Corrected)
Session One: September 17-22, 2006
Session Two: October 29-November 3, 2006
Session Three: November 26-December 1, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Syllabus: FIT16.pdf
NIMS Train the Trainers - Group 1
September 19-21, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Syllabus: NIMS1.pdf
Scuba Dive Team Refresher (Pre-selected)
September 19-21, 2006
Location: Other
Training Coordinator: Alex Peabody
Syllabus:DTR 2006.pdf
Supervisory Practices - Group 5 (In Three Sessions) (Name Change)
Session One: September 24-29, 2006 (Date Change)
Session Two: October 22-27, 2006
Session Three: November 26-December 1, 2006
Location: Sacramento
Training Coordinator: Dave Galanti
Syllabus: SC5.pdf
Intermediate Carpentry Skills - Group 34
September 24-29, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center Annex
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllabus: ICS34.pdf
Continuing Advanced Officer - Group 15
September 25-29, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Connie Breakfield
Syllabus: CAO16.pdf
Defensive Tactics Instructor Refresher (Staff) - Group 40 (Pre-selected)
October 1-6, 2006
Location: Soquel
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Syllabus: DTIR40.pdf
Management Practices - Group 19 (Pre-selected) (In Three Sessions)(Name Change)
Session One: October 1-6, 2006
Session Two: November 5-9, 2006
Session Three: December 10-14, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Dave Galanti
Syllabus: MC19.pdf
Emergency Medical Technician - Group 4
October 1-21, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michelle Gardner
Syllabus: EMT4.pdf
Intermediate Trails Program Maintenance Management - Group 6 (Pre-selected)
October 8-13, 2006
Location: Granlibakken
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllabus: ITPMM6.pdf
CA Integrated Waste Management (AB 75)
October 10-11, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllabus: AB75.pdf
Intellectual Property Rights - Group 4
October 10-13, 2006
Location: Sacramento
Training Coordinator: Dave Galanti
Syllabus: IPR 4.pdf
Defensive Tactics Instructor Update (Northern Division) (Pre-selected)
October 12-13, 2006
Location: Other
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Defensive Tactics Instructor - Group 17
October 15-27, 2006
Location: Soquel
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Syllabus: DTI17.pdf
District Superintendents Conference
October 16-19, 2006
Location: TBA
Conference Coordinator: Broc Stenman
Resource Management - Group 14
October 22-27, 2006 (Date Changed)
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michael D. Green
Syllabus: RM14.pdf
Museum Collections Management Basic - Group 1
October 22-27, 2006
Location: Columbia SHP (Location Change)
Training Coordinator: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: MCMB1.pdf
Maintenance Leadership Conference
October 23-27, 2006
Location: Sacramento
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllaus: MLC.pdf
CAMP - Statewide Property Inventory (Cancelled)
October 29-November 1, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michelle Gardner
CAMP - Equipment Property Management - Group 2
October 29-November 1, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michelle Gardner
Syllabus: CAMP.pdf
CAMP - Facilities - Group 2
October 29-November 1, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michelle Gardner
Syllabus: CAMP.pdf
CAMP - Executive - Group 2
October 29-November 1, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michelle Gardner
Syllabus: CAMP-EXE.pdf
CAMP - Interpretation - Group 2
October 29-November 1, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michelle Gardner
Syllabus: CAMP.pdf
EEO Investigator
October 30-November 2, 2006
Location: Sacramento
Training Coordinator: Dave Galanti
Syllabus: EEO I.pdf
Business and Fiscal
November 5-9, 2006
Location: Sacramento
Training Coordinator: Dave Galanti
Syllabus: B&F10.pdf
EMR/EMT Instructor Refresher - Group 2 (Pre-selected)
November 5-10, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michelle Gardner
Syllabus: EMT EMR IR 2.pdf
Basic Electrical Skills - Group 17
November 12-17, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center Annex
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllabus: BES17.pdf
Course Leader - Group 6
November 12-17, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Dave Galanti
Syllabus: CL6.pdf
Introduction to California State Parks - Group 33
November 27-December 1, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: ICSP33.pdf
Safety Coordinators Workshop (Pre-selected)
November 28-December 1, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllabus: SCW-2006.pdf
EMR Instructor - Group 12
December 3-8, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Michelle Gardner
Syllabus: EMRI12.pdf
Basic Plumbing Skills - Group 15
December 3-8, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center Annex
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllabus: BPS15.pdf
Cooperating Association Liaison Skill Building - Group 1
December 4-8, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: CALSB1.pdf
Defensive Tactics Instructor Update
December 7-8, 2006
Location: Soquel
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Memo and Roster: DTIU-Soquel.pdf
Firearms Instructor Refresher Training (Staff) - Group 30 (Pre-selected)
December 10-15, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Syllabus: FIRT 30.pdf
Basic Carpentry Skills - Group 18
December 17-22, 2006
Location: Mott Training Center Annex
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllabus: BCS18.pdf
Basic Visitor Services Training - Group 30
January 1-June 29, 2007
Location: Mott Training Center
Training Coordinator: Joanne Danielson
Basic Landscaping - Group 11
January 7-12, 2007
Location: Mott Training Center Annex
Training Coordinator: Charles Combs
Syllabus: BL11.pdf
Skills for Interpreting to Children - Group 6
January 8-12, 2007 (Date Changed)
Location: Marconi
Training Coordinator: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: SIC 5.pdf
Supervisory Practices - Group 6 (In Three Sessions) (Pre-selected) (Name Change)
Session One: January 7-12, 2007
Session Two: February 4-9, 2007
Session Three: February 25-March 2, 2007 (Date Change)
Location: Mott/Mott/(Latst session at Marconi)
Training Coordinator: Dave Galanti
Syllabus: SP 6.pdf