Frequently Asked Questions
Great Valley Grasslands State Park General Plan
What is a general plan?
A general plan is a long-range planning document to identify the vision, goals, guidelines, and objectives for a state park. It identifies broad policy and program guidance that will guide both the park’s short-term and long-term management. The document establishes park-wide goals that will help management make future decisions related to visitor experience, natural and cultural resource management, facility development and other topics.
Why does Great Valley Grasslands State Park need a general plan?
All state parks are required to have an approved general plan to provide thoughtful and consistent guidance on the management and development of the park. Great Valley Grasslands does not currently have a general plan and will need one to build future park facilities and amenities. A general plan will provide an opportunity to consider opportunities to improve the visitor experience, identify priority resource management and infrastructure needs, and allow members of the public to provide input on the management of the park.
How can I be involved in the planning process?
You can sign up for our email list to stay in the loop about public engagement such as an interactive map, online survey, public workshops, and public review of the draft Great Valley Grasslands State Park General Plan and EIR. Sign up HERE
Will the general plan affect how I use the park?
No, the planning process will not affect how parkgoers access Great Valley Grasslands State Park or the facilities or activities available. Any changes that affect the use of the park would happen gradually after the plan is adopted. The planning process will take place over a three-year period, and during that time no major changes will be implemented.
When will the general plan be implemented?
Once the general plan is completed in 2027, California State Parks will begin prioritizing specific projects identified in the plan. From there, State Parks will allocate or acquire funding for each project and begin conducting any necessary detailed planning work, design, engineering, and/or approvals/permitting for each project.
What is an Environmental Impact Report?
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is a required environmental analysis document under the California Environmental Quality Act. It includes analysis of various environmental impacts, such as air quality, biological resources, noise, water quality, transportation, wildfire, and recreation. The EIR process ensures that implementation of the general plan does not have adverse impacts on the park’s natural environment and cultural resources.
What is the timeline for the plan?
The general plan kicked off in February 2024 and will be completed over a three-year period. The EIR process will begin in early 2026. Both the Great Valley Grasslands State Park General Plan and EIR aim to be completed in early 2027.