Enhancing Visitor Services Through Proud Partnerships
It is the intent of California State Parks to partner with organizations and/or corporations whose practices best support and further the Department’s mission, provide funding to support enhanced visitor services through the Department’s parkland development programs, AND best support and further the Department’s brand platform.

The Department’s mission is to:
To provide for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state's extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation.

The California State Parks brand platform/position is:
More ways to be a Californian than you can imagine

Brand Personality is:
Bold, adventurous, inspiring – pushing boundaries, very much the spirit of the state itself

California State Parks seek to partner with companies with the following qualities:

Companies that show respect for the natural environment and have programs that support or promote preservation and conservation efforts. Companies that may align well with the Department’s brand position. This may be demonstrated by the product or service the firm provides or exhibited through in-house recycling or pollution-prevention programs, gifts to conservation groups, or other ways of conducting day-to-day business.

Healthful Living
Companies that promote, support or help preserve opportunities for healthful living, through health and fitness. Companies that may align well with the Department’s brand position. This may be demonstrated by the product or service the firm provides or exhibited through gifts to health-minded groups, ways of conducting day-to-day business.

Corporate Citizenship
Companies with innovative and generous charitable programs with a particular emphasis on programs promoting environmental, historical and cultural awareness, healthful living, education, and high-quality outdoor recreation. Companies that may align well with the Department’s brand position

High Quality Outdoor Recreation
Companies that promote, support or help create and preserve opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. Companies that may align well with the Department’s brand position. This may be demonstrated by the product or service the firm provides or exhibited through gifts to outdoor-minded groups, ways of conducting day-to-day business, or companies that may offset California State Parks’ operational and maintenance costs of visitor services by the products or services they provide.  

Companies that show respect for California’s cultural resources and have programs that support or promote diverse cultures. Companies that may align well with the Department’s brand position.

Non-U.S. Operations
The Department seek companies which pay fair wages, support human rights and protect the environment where they operate in less developed countries. We also look for companies that enforce a code of conduct in choosing where and with whom they will do business.

Safe and Useful Products
Companies that provide high-quality products and are industry leaders in research and development, and may support the Department’s brand position. 

General Terms:

Acceptance as a statewide park partner would not constitute the endorsement of California State Parks for any product, nor grant any special advertising or sales privileges in California State Parks. Revenues from the Proud partners shall be used to support priority programs and projects identified by California State Parks that benefit visitor services through deferred maintenance, natural and cultural resource protection, historical preservation projects/programs and education projects.