State and Local Movements

Leave No Child Inside, A Chicago Wilderness Initiative. Public-private partnership.  Provides suggestions for children’s outdoor play, links to news articles about the children and nature movement and resources for educators.

Leave No Child Inside Central Ohio Collaborative. Blog.  Network for individuals and organizations in Ohio interested in the Leave No Child Inside movement.  Information on speakers bureau, media and through blog postings.

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Leave No Child Inside.  State initiative. Provides information about recreational resources and outdoor activities available in Connecticut's state parks, forests and waterways.

The New Hampshire Children in Nature Initiative. State agency.  Provides information on New Hampshire initiative and links to related children in nature programs. Provides forum for community involvement through a list serve.

Children in Nature Collaborative (Northern California).  Blog.  A network of regional movements across the country focused on restoring relationships with nature and each other.

Get Outdoors Florida.  State initiative.  Addresses societal needs including public well-being, health issues, and natural resource conservation.

Get Outdoors Georgia.  State initiative.  Provides information to show families how easy and fun it is to get outdoors and get fit.  Challenges everyone to: Get Out. Get Dirty. Get Fit.

Michigan No Child Left Inside Coalition.  Blog.  A collection of organizations working to rekindle the connection between Michigan's children and nature by promoting acitivities and policies that will help children reconnect with nature. Michigan No Child Left Inside Facebook page

Minnesota Children and Nature Connection Conference.  Conference.  To address the issue of today's children and their disconnect with nature.  Discussed the emerging trends, related research, and design concepts that reconnect children and families to nature and create natural spaceds for communities, schools, daycares, parks and neighborhoods. 

Missoula Children and Nature Network.   Private-public partnership.  To advocate and facilitate the development of meaningful, life-long connections between children and the natural environment, aimed at improving the health of the youth and the natural world in the greater Missoula area.

Children in Nature New York Initiative.  Private-public partnership.  Exploring how to reconnect children to nature in New York State. 
No Oregon Child Left Inside.  State initiative.  The No Oregon Child Left Inside Act will establish a state environmental literacy plan, an environmental education grant program and an Environmental Education Advisory Council to guide Oregon in a common strategic vision for environmental education.  This framework will support our youth getting outside and reconnected with local forests, backyard streams, local farms, and nearby rivers.

Get Outdoors PA!  State initiative.  A calendar of the outdoor happenings in Pennsylvania.  Aimed to motivate people to experience the outdoors of Pennsylvania.  

South Carolina State Parks Discover Carolina.  To inspire children's attitude and passion towards nature and to foster their ability to access and reconnect with the natural and cultural heritage of the state.

Environmental Education (Tennessee).  Private-public partnership.  Stakeholders from across Tennessee are organizing to "get the word out," connecting children with nature through existing programs, family nature clubs, community forums, and a public media campaign.

The Texas Children in Nature.  Committed to working together to stop the trends of children being disconnected from nature and playing outdoors.  Provides opportunities for children to develop to thier full potential by reconnecting children and the wonders of playing in nature.

The following lists are not intended to be exhaustive.  California State Parks is not responsible for content found on non-California State Parks sites.

National Movements

Children and Nature Network (C&NN). Non-profit organization chaired by Richard Louv, author of Last Child In the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder. Offers access to a network of educators, researchers and other interested parties, the latest news and research on this topic, and tips for taking action.

National Wildlife Federation. Non-profit organization.  Provides information about program, recommends activities for children, and fosters communication among members through a blog, community corner and members space.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Children in Nature. Federal agency. Information for parents and teachers.  Activities for kids.  Fish and Wildlife News – Special Issue on Children and Nature, Summer/Fall 2007.

No Child Left Inside Coalition.  Public-private partnership. Provides information on federal No Child Left Inside bill.  Offers action strategies to promote bill’s passage and has general information on environmental education.

Sharing Nature Foundation. Educational organization.  Provides information on programs for adult leaders, books and resources, Flow Learning™, and Sharing Nature Worldwide activities.

GetOutDoorsUSA!  Public-private partnership. Site provides access to on-line nature exploration and resources for parents to use when taking thier children outside.

Green Hearts: Institute for Nature in Childhood.  Non-profit organization.  Dedicated to restoring and strengthening the bonds between children and nature.  Features a wealth of ideas for families to aid in reconnecting with nature, including free, downloadable/printable "Parent's Guide to Nature Play: How to Give Your Children More Outdoor Play...and Why You Should."  

Nature Rocks (The Nature Conservancy).  National Campaign.  This site will help you find all sorts of nature activities, plus tools to help guide and plan your adventures.

The Natural Learning Initiative.  The mission is to help communities create stimulating places for play, learning, and environmental education - environments that recognize human dependence on the natural world.

Nature Explore Club.  A complete research-based program of fun, effective resources to help educators, families, and others working to connect children with nature from the Arbor Day Foundation.  Nature Explore Classrooms are being constructed at schools; nature centers; national forests, parks, and wildlife refuges; zoos; arboretums; and child care centers.

Discover the Forests.  A public service campaign sponsored by the USDA Forest Service that aims to inspire tweens (aged 8-12) and their parents to re-connect with nature, experiencing it first-hand.  This website offers a free downloadable / printable guide, The Book of Stuff to Do Outside.

Children & Nature Network's Nature Clubs for Families.  Blog.  This site offers information and to help parents, grandparents and caregivers reconnect children with nature.  This site offers a link to a free downloadable / printable guide full of information to help establish nature clubs of their own.

Childrens Museums.  Initiative.  It serves as both a resource and a tool for Association of Children's Museums museum members.  The site provides a collection of facts, guidelines and forward-thinking language that museums can draw on while developing their own outdoor spaces, proposals for funding or other materials.

International Movements

Nature Action Collaborative for Children.  Organization.  The Nature Action Collaborative for Children website features a video on nature education plus links to global and national organizations working to connect children with nature.