Discover San Jose Creek Guided Hike
Crisscross this vibrant coastal stream over a series of wooden bridges on this out and back interpretive adventure. Immerse yourself in diverse plant life, including iconic coast redwoods; wonder at [...]
Crisscross this vibrant coastal stream over a series of wooden bridges on this out and back interpretive adventure. Immerse yourself in diverse plant life, including iconic coast redwoods; wonder at [...]
Enjoy this unique access to beautiful wildflowers and iconic coast redwoods with your little ones, in an area usually accessible only by advanced hikers, now accessible through Monterey Peninsula Reg [...]
Birders (and everyone else) are welcome on this hike along the vibrant San Jose Creek Trail within Ishxenta State Park. Coast chaparral, Monterey Pine Forest, and Riparian habitats create an exceptio [...]
Every step of this hike was made possible through Big Sur Land Trust's partnership with the California State Parks, Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District, and Point Lobos Foundation as collaborat [...]