State Parks Implements New Water Conservation Measures


Brian Ketterer

(916) 653-8288



Outdoor rinse stations will be shut off statewide

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California State Parks continues implementing water conservation measures within its state park system. Effective July 15, all state parks and beaches will shut off outdoor rinse stations.

“California is facing extremely severe drought conditions,” said California State Parks Director Lisa Mangat. “It is important for all Californians to conserve water at home, at work and even when recreating outdoors.”

More than 85 million people visit state parks annually. The number one use of water within parks is by the park visitor. On average, each overnight visitor requires approximately 25 gallons of water per day which is far less than the estimated 80-100 gallons per day use at home, but nevertheless important to water conservation efforts. The department estimates that shutting off outdoor rinse stations will conserve more than 1.2 gallons of water per shower or rinse, thus potentially saving a total of more than 18 million gallons of water annually.

To date, the department has met the Governor’s 25 percent water reduction mandate. However, many individual park units must find more ways to meet additional restrictions or reduction mandates from local water authorities or when water sources simply dry up. Below are some water restrictions that park units have already implemented:

• Upgrades and installation of low flow toilets, shower heads, faucets and spigots

• Placed a high priority on leak detection and repair

• Installed portable toilets and sanitation stations

• Turned off sink wash basins and added waterless hand sanitizers

• Housekeeping, vehicle maintenance, and construction programs have all instituted water saving measures to reduce water usage

California State Parks appreciates the patience and understanding of the public on these new conservation efforts. The department understands the necessity of removing salt and sand before getting into cars or heading home. Below are some alternatives that save gallons of water compared to the current public shower use at outdoor rinse stations:

• Use a towel or brush to wipe away the sand

• Bring water from home in a re-useable jug

• Use a pressurized sprayer or one of the newer pressurized portable showers

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California has been dealing with the effects of drought. To learn about all the actions the state has taken to manage our water system and cope with the impacts of the drought, visit Drought.CA.Gov.

Every Californian should take steps to conserve water. Find out how at

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