California State Parks Opens Application Period for Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program Grants


Up to $15 million may be requested for projects that acquire, renovate or develop parks in disadvantaged communities  

California State Parks is now accepting applications from public entities to provide outdoor recreational experiences to their communities through the federal Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) Program. In the seventh round of this competitive grant program, a total of approximately $224.1 million is available nationwide for communities with limited or no access to publicly available, close-by, outdoor recreation opportunities. Up to $15 million can be requested per project.

“This federal grant program is a potential game-changer for park-poor communities,” said California Natural Resources Deputy Secretary for Access Katherine Toy. “It supports the expansion of parks and outdoor spaces in communities that need them most, and will help foster connections for those who lack access to those spaces. We’re excited that the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program is so well-aligned with the work we’re already doing through California’s Outdoors for All strategy, championed by Governor Newsom and First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom. This funding is an investment in California’s future.”

“We encourage eligible applicants to apply for this exciting opportunity that can transform the health and wellness of communities,” stated California State Parks Director Armando Quintero. “This opportunity to request up to $15 million per application can lead to significant park development projects that bring people, families, and communities together.”

ORLP is a National Park Service (NPS) grant program established in 2014 and funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The program funds the acquisition and development of new parks, or substantial renovation of parks in disadvantaged communities. Projects must be within incorporated cities or towns of at least 30,000 people. Eligible applicants include cities, counties, state agencies, federally recognized Native American tribes, Joint Powers Authorities where all members are public agencies, park districts, and special districts with authority to acquire, operate and maintain public park and recreation areas.

Public entities in California must submit an application to State Parks for review by Jan. 31, 2024. The most competitive applications that best meet the ORLP intent will be forwarded to the NPS for further consideration at the national level.

For additional program information and to register for an upcoming application workshop, please visit California’s ORLP webpage.

State Parks develops grant programs to provide funding for local, state and nonprofit organization projects. Since 1964, nearly 8,000 community parks throughout California have been created or improved from State Parks grant funding. Since 2000, the program has administered approximately $3.8 billion in grant funding throughout California.

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California State Parks provides for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high quality outdoor recreation.