Accessible Features at California State Parks | Fort Humboldt SHP | Definitions and Terms | Activity Descriptions


Fort Humboldt State Historic Park preserves the remains of the military outpost established in 1853. Reconstructed buildings house exhibits that provide glimpses of the past. The park is at 3431 Fort Avenue in Eureka. Phone (707) 445-6567 for more information.


The Fort Humboldt Trail is a 0.57 mile accessible loop trail that starts from the visitor center parking lot and meanders through the historic core of the fort grounds and includes interpretive signs. The surface is asphalt and compacted soil. The trail is generally flat at less than 5% slopes with intermittent sections between 5% to 8%. Accessible parking is located in the main parking lot.

Trail Name Running Slope Cross Slope Trail Width Trail Surface
Fort Humboldt Trail 0% Average 7 FT Average Aggregate, Wood, & Asphalt
8% Maximum 2% Maximum 4 FT Minimum


The District Office provides information on Fort Humboldt and other area state parks. It is generally accessible. Adjacent paved parking near the office entry is generally accessible.

The Logging Museum Building is generally accessible. Most exhibits are generally accessible. A generally accessible restroom adjacent to the parking lot serves site visitors. Two spaces located in the parking lot, in addition to the one near the office, are generally accessible. Routes of travel from the parking area to the rest of the park are mostly paved and usable with occasional uneven pavement or slight slope issues.

The Hospital Museum Building: exhibits are generally accessible. A usable ramped entry provides access.

Exterior Logging Exhibits: Paths and boardwalks are generally accessible. The asphalt circular path provides fairly level access to the text panels and other exhibits.

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