Accessible Features at Santa Cruz Mission SHP
Accessible Features at California State Parks | Santa Cruz Mission SHP | Definitions and Terms | Activity Descriptions
Santa Cruz Mission State Historic Park is the site of a complex of buildings erected around the original Santa Cruz Mission, and includes the restored Neary-Rodriguez Adobe from 1791. The historic park is in downtown Santa Cruz; take Mission Street to Mission Plaza. The adobe is located one block off the plaza on School Street. Phone 831-425-5849.Picnic Area
A picnic area has an accessible table and van parking space. An adjacent restroom is accessible.Exhibits/Programs
The Mission has slightly narrow historic doors and raised thresholds, but is generally accessible. Most exhibits and interpretive panels are accessibly designed. An adjacent store is also accessible. Restroom. Accessible parking and restroom are near the picnic table.To request an update to this page, please contact the Accessibility Division at or (916) 445-8949.