
 New! The History of California State Parks

  State Parks with Brochures
  Camping Reservation Guide
  California State Parks & The Great Central Valley Strategy
  Your Career in California State Parks
  State Park Ranger and Lifeguard Employment Opportunities
  Volunteers Make a Difference!

  Climate Change and California State Parks
  Aquatic Safety
  California Black Bear
  Silent Threats: Non-Native Species Invading Our Wildlands
  Western Snowy Plover: Sharing the Beach
  Urban Effects on our Wildlands

  Natural Resource Management in California State Parks
  Cultural Resource Management in California State Parks
  Capitol PORTS: Connecting Legislators to Classrooms
  The Commemorative Seals of the State Capitol
  Civilian Conservation Corps 75th Anniversary
  California Indian Cultural Heritage in California State Parks

Brochure Inserts and Informational Flyers

  Campfires in Parks
  Surf Safety
  Dogs in Parks
  Mountain Lions in Parks
  Housecats in our Parks
  Please Don't Feed Park Wildlife
  Fire with a Purpose
  Why Stay on Trails?

  Exploring Tide Pools
  Protecting the Snowy Plover
  Important Bird Areas
  Sudden Oak Death

  European Beach Grass
  Broom: An Invasive Plant
  Grassland Invaders
  Tree of Heaven?

  Adobe Buildings
  Coyote's Place in Native American Stories
  Protecting Our Past
  Seashore Supermarket

  West Nile Virus
  Lyme Disease

  Dedicated Redwood Groves

            How Can I Help?

Department Awards Flyers

  Dewitt Award (pdf)
  Drury Award (pdf)
  Hill Award (pdf)
  Ingenuity Award (pdf)
  Mott Award (pdf)
  Olmsted Award (pdf)
  Year-Round Flyer (pdf)


  2013-2014 California State Parks Strategic Action Plan
  General Plans
  Grants and Local Services Document Library
  2017 SLAA Report
  2017 SLAA Implementation Plan, December 2017
  2019 SLAA Report 
  2021 SLAA Report

  Natural Resources Division

     Natural Parks Report (89 pages, 452k, pdf)

  North Coast Redwoods District
     Best Management Practices

  Planning Division - Park and RecreationTechnical Services (PARTS)
        Document Library
  Planning Handbook
  Planning Milestones
  Purpose Statements
  State Park System Statistical Report
  Strategic Vision of California State Parks - The Seventh Generation (2001)

  Empire Mine State Historic Park - 2006 Work Plans

General Plans

  General Plans
  General Plans - In Progress


  California State Parks Information Guide


  California State Parks Map

   News & Views

 2012 In Review
 Summer 2011 News & Views
 Spring 2011 News & Views
 Winter 2010 News & Views
 Fall 2010 News & Views
 Summer 2010 News & Views
 Spring 2010 News & Views
 Winter 2009 News & Views
 Summer 2009 News & Views
 Spring 2009 News & Views
 February 2009 News & Views
 Winter 2008 News & Views
 Fall 2008 News & Views
 Summer 2008 News & Views
 Spring 2008 News & Views
 Winter 2007 News & Views
 Fall 2007 News & Views
 Summer 2007 News & Views
 Spring 2007 News & Views

News Releases

  News Releases


  Information Technology (IT) - Statewide Policy, Instructions & Guidelines
  Donor & Sponsorship Recognition Guidelines
  Strategic Initiatives

Public Notices

  California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Notices
  California Indian Cultural Center and Museum
  Cornfield, Park Property
  Public Notice: Water Hyacinth and Spongeplant 2016 Treatment System (link)
The California Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Boating and Waterways is conducting herbicide treatments and mechanical harvesting to control water hyacinth and spongeplant in  the Sacramento-San Joaquin  Delta Region.
  Public Notice: Egeria and Curlyleaf 2016 Treatment System (link)
California Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Boating and Waterways will be conducting herbicide treatments in parts of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to control Egeria densa and Curlyleaf Pondweed.

Public Records

Public Records Access Guidelines

Public Resources Code

  Department of Parks and Recreation Section 500-514
  All California Code

Public Safety Policy

Department of Parks and Recreation - Policy Manual
AB48, Penal Code Section 13652.1(a) Reporting


   Use of Motor Vehicle Fuel Account (Boating) and the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund for Fiscal year 14/15

(To request a hardcopy contact is Adrien Contreras, Park Operations Manager - (916) 651-7858 or

   Revenue Distributed To Park Districts FY 2014-15

Rules and Regulations

  California Code of Regulations