California State Parks Invites Applications for Grants to Expand Outdoor Access in Local Communities 

For Immediate Release 
Feb. 4, 2025 



What you need to knowEligible public agencies can now apply for two competitive federal grant programs that will fund projects to create more outdoor recreation opportunities and open spaces. 

SACRAMENTO California State Parks is now accepting applications from public agencies for two federal grant programs aimed at improving access to local parks and natural spaces. The Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) is a competitive grant program that helps local public agencies acquire, create or renovate local parks in underserved communities.The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant program provides eligible applicants with the ability to acquire land and/or develop recreational amenities such as playgrounds, sports fields and courts, exercise stations, dog and skate parks.  

“These grants are a great opportunity to expand access to local parks in the communities that need it most so all Californians, no matter their zip code, can experience the joy and wellness that come from spending time in outdoor spaces,” said California State Parks Director Armando Quintero. “I encourage all eligible public agencies to apply and join us in advancing California’s Outdoors for All initiative, championed by Governor Gavin Newsom and First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, to ensure equitable access to parks and outdoor spaces for all Californians.” 

In this current round of ORLP, approximately $90 million in total funding is available nationwide, with applicants able to request up to $15 million per project. Applications for the ORLP grant are due by March 11For the LWCF grants, approximately $33 million in total funding is available for California. Applications for the LWCF grant are due by August 5, and applicants can request up to $6 million per project.  

These competitive grants are open to public agencies including cities and counties, joint powers authorities, federally recognized Native American tribes, park districts, and special districts with the authority to acquire, operate and maintain public park and recreation areas in California.  

State Parks’ Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS) will hold in-person workshops for interested applicants across California throughout February. More details on the workshops, including how to RSVP, is available under the “Application Process” tab on the ORLP and LWCF webpages. 

Key details for ORLP applicants: 

  • Grant Description: Helps fund projects that acquire, renovate or develop parks in neighborhoods where residents have limited or no access to nearby outdoor recreation opportunities. 
  • Application Deadline: Applications must be submitted online by 5 p.m. on March 11, 2025.  
  • Grant Amount: Eligible applicants may request up to $15 million per project. 
  • Project Criteria: Projects must be within a 2020 census tract or incorporated city or town of at least 25,000 people. 

Key details for LCWF applicants: 

  • Grant DescriptionSupports projects to acquire or develop parks prioritizing recreational opportunities. 
  • Application Deadline: Applications must be submitted online by 5 p.m. on Aug. 5, 2025.  
  • Grant Amount: Eligible applicants may request up to $6 million per project. 
  • Application Support: Additional technical assistance, including a variety of tools to help applicants identify potentially eligible projects, can be found on the OGALS Land and Water Conservation Fund webpage.  

State Parks understands there may be uncertainty surrounding federally funded grant programs. State Parks is accepting and reviewing applications and will keep applicants updated should there be any changes to program guidelines or deadlines.   

About ORLP 
ORLP is a nationally competitive grant program that provides matching funds for park projects in underserved urban communities. California State Parks submits the state’s applications, working with communities to put forward the most competitive projects.  

In the previous round held in 2024, California was awarded $95 million in grant funding the most grants and the largest total amount the state has received in the program’s history.

A children's playground equipment on a green playgroundThe Bayview Park Improvement Project, City & County of San Francisco’s Recreation & Park District (funded by ORLP in 2016 and completed in 2022). Photo by California State Parks.

About LWCF 

LWCF grants provide funding for the acquisition or development of land to create new outdoor recreation opportunities for the health and wellness of Californians. Since its inception in 1965, the LWCF program in California has funded more than 1,600 projects totaling $360 million. Check out recent projects here: Parks for All Californians: Projects Gallery and Map. For additional program information, email 

A playground project in development

Pioneer Park Swimming Pool Rehabilitation in Nevada City (funded by LWCF 2015/16, completed in June 2017). Photo by California State Parks. 
About the California State Parks Grant Program 
State Parks develops grant programs to fund projects for local, state and nonprofit organizations. Since 1964, nearly 8,000 community parks throughout California have been created or improved with California State Parks grant funding investments. Since 2000, this state program has administered approximately $3.8 billion in grant funding throughout California. 


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The California Department of Parks and Recreation, popularly known as State Parks, and the programs supported by its Office of Historic Preservation and divisions of Boating and Waterways and Off-Highway Motor Vehicles Recreation provides for the health, inspiration and education of the people of California by helping to preserve the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, protecting its most valued natural and cultural resources, and creating opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation. Learn more at 

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