Accessible Features at Picacho SRA
Accessible Features at California State Parks | Picacho SRA | Definitions and Terms | Activity Descriptions
In the 1800s, what is now Picacho State Historic Park was a gold mining town with 100 citizens. Today the site is used by boaters, hikers, anglers and campers. The park’s remote location requires visitors to drive over 18 miles of dirt roads that are passable for cars and vehicles with trailers and motorhomes, but can be impassable in summer thunderstorms. Travelers on this road should carry extra water and other essential supplies. Located 24 miles off Interstate 8, north of Winterhaven, just east of Yuma, AZ . Phone 760-393-3052.Camping
The main campground has a designated accessible campsite located between sites 20-22 near the restroom and shower building. The table and fire ring are accessibly designed and are on a dirt surface. Other sites are flat and large with firm pads and are usable. Restrooms and showers: There are two accessible vault toilets in the campground. Route of travel from the campsite to the restrooms is across a hard packed dirt camp road that is generally flat and accessible.Picnic Area
Upper and Lower Dock Boat Launch Area have designated accessible picnic sites, some with shade structures. There are accessible tables and cooking grills. Restroom: An accessibly designed portable restroom is available at the Upper Dock area. Parking is in unpaved lots, which are usable. Routes of travel: The paths from the parking lots to the picnic sites are unpaved, but usable.To request an update to this page, please contact the Accessibility Division at or (916) 445-8949.