Accessible Features at California State Parks | Montaña de Oro SP | Definitions and Terms | Activity Descriptions


Naturalists and backpackers enjoy the solitude and freedom found along this park’s rugged trails, secluded beaches, canyons and hills. Primitive and environmental camping is available. The only potable water is in the campground. Park entrance is seven miles south of Los Osos on Pecho Road. Phone (805) 528-0513 for more information.


Islay Creek Campground: Campsites 5, 35, and 48 are accessible. The restrooms near these campsites are accessible however, they are vault-style restrooms. Water is provided in accessible locations nearby.

Picnic Area

Accessible picnic sites, including accessible parking and restrooms, are located at the Coon Creek area and at Spooner's Cove.


The Sand Spit Trail is a generally accessible trail for 0.30 miles with views of the ocean and Morro Bay. The trailhead, accessible parking, and a generally accessible vault-style restroom are at the Sand Spit lot off Pecho Road.

The Bluff Trail is a 2.38 mile accessible trail along coastal bluffs. The trail consists of a 0.79 mile loop at the north end and 1.5 mile spur from the loop to the Coon Creek parking lot. The surface is compacted aggregate. There is one armored crossing on the trail that water flows over during rain events that might be challenging for some users. The trail is generally flat at less than 5% slopes with intermittent sections between 5% to 8% and one section for 7 feet at 9%. Along the trail there are five overlooks that provide seating opportunities. There are several interpretive panels along the trail. Accessible restrooms are located along the north loop of the trail and at the southern trailhead at the Coon Creek parking lot. Accessible parking is located at the north and south trailheads.

Trail Name Running Slope Cross Slope Trail Width Trail Surface
Bluff Trail 3% Average 2.9% Average 6.5 FT Average Aggregate, Rock, & Wood
9% Maximum 5% Maximum 3 FT Minimum

Beach/Shore Access

Spooner's Cove, located just below the Spooner Ranch House, provides accessible beach level parking with a firm surface route onto the beach. A beach wheelchair is available for use. Phone (805) 528-0513 for more information.

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