For persons with permanent disabilities, this $3.50 pass entitles the bearer to a 50% discount for vehicle day use, family camping, and boat use fees at California State Park operated units.  



  • A copy of a valid driver license/picture ID, issued by the State or Federal Government, or a current school ID is required for all applicants*

    Interim, temporary or expired identification will not be accepted, no exceptions.

Some examples of documents that are and are not accepted: 

CA Driver License
Sample School ID
Example: Sample Passport Example: Interim Driver License - Not Accepted  Example: School Print out - Not Accepted

Valid Driver License


School ID




Interim Driver License

Not Accepted

Student Printout

 Not Accepted


*Valid photo identification is required for all applicants, including minors. Accepted forms of identification include school IDs bearing the current school year, DMV ID cards and passports. For additonal information, please contact the Park Pass Sales Office via email at

$3.50 Application Fee

  • Check or money order payable to CA Dept. of Parks and Recreation OR
  • For other accepted payment options and walk-in applications, please contact the location you plan to visit ahead of time. For a list of designated locations please visit or contact the Park Pass Sales Office via email at

Certification Materials

Please attach one of the following certification types below:

1. State Regional Center Certification

  • Please attach a letter from the State Regional Center, dated within 1 year of application, certifying that the applicant is receiving services.  

Regional centers are nonprofit private corporations that contract with the Department of Developmental Services to provide or coordinate services and support for individuals with developmental disabilities. They have offices throughout California to provide a local resource to help find and access the many services available to individuals and their families. For additonal information visit the DDS Website here


2. Department of Motor Vehicles Permanently Disabled Status

  • Attach a copy of valid, non-joint* vehicle registration showing disabled status. 

    * Joint vehicle registration (a vehicle registration with two names) does not differentiate between the placard holder and other persons listed on the registration and cannot be accepted.


  • A copy of Disabled Person Placard Identification Card/Receipt containing the name of the disabled person.

Some examples of documents that are and are not accepted:

Example:Sample Placard Identification Card/Receipt Example: Sample Placard - Not Accepted


Sample Placard Identification Card/Recipt

Not Accepted

Sample Placard

 Out of state placards are accepted. For additonal information regarding out of state placard requirements, please contact the Park Pass Sales Office via email at


3. Social Security Disability Benefits Eligibility Verification

  • Attach a copy of a valid Medicare Card (under the age of 65) OR
  • Copy of a current Social Security Disability Award Certificate, dated within 1 year* (under the age of 65)

Some examples of documents that are and are not accepted:

Sample Social Security Benefit Verification Letter
Example: Sample Medicare Card Example: 
Sample Medi-Cal Benefit ID Card - Not Accepted


 Social Security Benefit Verification Letter


Medicare Card

Not Accepted

Medi-Cal Benefit Identification Card


 *Current verification letters can be printed directly from the website.

4. Doctor Certification

  • Doctor must complete and sign section IV on Page 2 of the application no more than 90 days prior to application submittal.
    • Doctor certification must have an original signature (Photocopies will not be accepted)
Sample Doctor Certification - Accepted Document
Doctor Certification