Division of Boating and Waterways Now Accepting Grant Letters of Intent to Address Coastal Erosion
SACRAMENTO – California State Parks’ Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) is now accepting letters of intent from public agencies interested in grant funding for projects that address the impacts of coastal erosion on California’s ocean and bay shorelines. DBW invites applications for local assistance grants through its Shoreline Erosion Control Program and Public Beach Restoration Program.
The deadline for agencies to email DBW letters of intent to apply for fiscal year 2026/2027 grant funding is Monday, Dec. 16, 2024, at 5 p.m. DBW will provide instructions for submitting full applications to agencies whose letters describe projects that are eligible for funding through these programs.
Agencies use Shoreline Erosion Control grants to protect developed shoreline areas against coastal erosion, and Public Beach Restoration grants to strategically place sand on eroded coastal beaches. Grants can fund all project phases, including studies, engineering, permitting, construction and post-construction monitoring.
Grant funding is available through a competitive process. Projects are considered for funding individually through the state’s budget process. Successful applicants will be notified of available funding by July 2026.
Additional information about the programs is available on DBW’s website at https://dbw.parks.ca.gov/coastalerosion.
For questions about the grant application process, please contact DBW Project Manager Casey Caldwell at (916) 902-8824 or by email at casey.caldwell@parks.ca.gov.
Top: A shoreline protection structure in Pismo State Beach designed to mimic nearby natural features and incorporate a coastal access stairway. Bottom: The beach restoration project in Seal Beach was the 13th iteration of the Orange County Beach Erosion Control project and was constructed this past winter. Photos from the Division of Boating and Waterways.
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