Division of Boating and Waterways Announces 2024-2025 Grant Awards Worth $5.8 Million
SACRAMENTO — California State Parks’ Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) today announced the 2024-2025 awards for three grant programs totaling $5.8 million in funding. DBW’s Boating Safety and Enforcement Equipment, Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange, and Floating Restroom grant programs awarded funding to 51 California state and local agencies for projects that include removing and disposing of abandoned recreational vessels, floating restrooms to prevent sewage entering waterways, and search and rescue equipment.
DBW’s 2024-2025 grant programs include:
- Boating Safety and Enforcement Equipment Grants: $1.3 million was awarded to 17 local law enforcement and fire district agencies that demonstrated a need for patrol boats, engines, personal watercraft, search and rescue equipment, and diving equipment. These grants augment existing local resources to support recreational boating safety in their waterways. The United States Coast Guard Recreational Boating Safety program provides funding for this grant program, which has awarded approximately $34 million since 1996. Grant recipients, awards and award amounts can be found here.
- Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange Grants: $2.75 million was awarded to 29 public agencies throughout the state to remove and dispose of abandoned recreational vessels from both coastal and inland public waterways, and to accept and dispose of surrendered recreational vessels. Funding for this grant program, which has awarded approximately $32 million since 1999, comes from the Abandoned Watercraft Abatement Fund. Grant recipients and award amounts can be found here.
- Floating Restroom Grants: $1.8 million was used to manufacture eight accessible floating restroom units awarded to five public agencies for lakes and reservoirs throughout the state (Laka Shasta, Lake Oroville, San Vicente Reservoir, Pyramid Lake and Folsom Lake). Floating restrooms help prevent boater sewage from entering our waterways and contribute to DBW’s commitment for providing safe, clean and enjoyable recreational boating in California. The program has awarded approximately $20 million since 1978, with funding from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service through the Clean Vessel Act grant program combined with 25% matching funds from the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund. Grant recipients can be found here.
For a detailed list of grantees and awards visit DBW’s website.
ADA-compliant floating restroom at Folsom Lake State Recreation Area.
Patrol vessel on Lake Kaweah.
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