Heather Glanz with School Watershed Restoration Workday

Do you enjoy nature and being outdoors? Do you want to share knowledge with others and promote conservation and stewardship? This is your opportunity to join our team of dedicated volunteers who rove the trails, interact with visitors, host at the visitor center and in general contribute to the inspiration, education and enjoyment of park visitors.

  • Docents: Learn all about the park, facilitate connections between park visitors and resources, and help make the park an inviting space for all! Call (831) 335-7077 or email the interpreters at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park at henrycowell@ports-ca.us for more information or for a volunteer application.

  • Volunteers: Apply to join our team of volunteers and spend time maintaining the Native Plant Garden, pulling non-native plants, removing trash from the watershed, and participating in additional workdays. Email henrycowell@ports-ca.us to learn more.

  • Camp Hosts: Help visitors while living in the park. For information visit the Campground and Park Hosts page.

For information about volunteering and to apply at other state parks in the Santa Cruz District or across the state, visit our Volunteer Portal


Get Involved

Visit the park. If you’ll be coming to Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park or other California state parks frequently, buy a state parks pass—an excellent way to save money and support state parks. 

Support nonprofit groups working on behalf of this park, including Mountain Parks Foundation, Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks, Sempervirens Fund, Save the Redwoods League, and Santa Cruz Mountain Trail Stewardship