Mount Tamalpais State Park

Perk Up in the Park (Morning Coffee Program)

From 8am to 10:30am at Pantoll and (weather permitting) from 12pm to 2pm at East Peak

Hot beverages ? and cool information!

This is our version of “Coffee with a Ranger” that we offer most Sundays. We will provide hot beverages and answers to questions about the park, or California State Parks in general. Camped at Pantoll and forgot coffee, packed the cocoa too soon, or are just really wondering what bird woke you up at 5am? Stop on by (and bring your own mug if you can)! Hiking, mountain biking, cycling, running, or just enjoying Mt Tam and need a little warmth, caffeine, and/or information? Stop on by!
The location is next to the Pantoll restrooms from 8am-10:30am.
Weather permitting, we will head up to East Peak and set up there from about 12pm-2pm, for those that need a little warm-up after a chilly lunch!
Coffee, tea, cocoa, and other supplies graciously provided by the Friends of Mt Tam! Thank you, partner!